My favorite sister-in-law assumes I have quirks.  Not wanting to disappoint her, I’ll make some up that might normally apply to somebody in my shoes, but certainly wouldn’t apply to me.

The rules of the game say I have to

1) Link to the person who tagged you.
2) Mention the rules.
3) Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about myself.
4) Tag six other bloggers by linking to them.
5) Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment that lets them know they’ve been tagged.

Numbers one and two are above.  Here comes the list of six “quirks”, which are actually all normal.  From my perspective.

A)  I shower at night instead of in the morning.  I sleep much better, and the sheets stay clean longer.  I still wash my hair in the morning.

B)  When writing to an individual, I insert a comma between the greeting and their name.  So instead of “Hi Bill” it becomes “Hi, Bill”.  It’s the sense of pausing when the words are spoken (even internally).

C)  I put punctuation outside of quote marks.  “Get out of the road”, Janie said.  Janie did not speak the comma, and so it should not be included in the quote.

D)  I don’t like to drive right next to somebody on the road.  If our speeds are similar, I will speed up or slow down rather than be right beside them.

E)  I name my computers.  This one is Pro, the earlier one was Zippy, and the one before that was Slowpoke.  I don’t name my cars.

F)  I like easy access to things.  There are about 38 clocks (or clock-type devices, including computers and VCRs) in the house.  At least one phone per room (bathrooms excepted).  Bettie and I each have our own remote control for the TV.  And the new house is being wired with internet access in every room (again, bathrooms excepted), and we’re having wireless available.

Now to tag six bloggers.  Angie took off a couple people, but I can still hit

my brother

my father

my mom (Mom, you need to get that blog going)

my wife (in all your spare time)

my nephew

his wonderful wife

Not too hard.  And I didn’t have to mention how I ████████ the ████████████.